I gave this presentation on evidence-based optimism at the Federal Executive Institute. I created the presentation in Apple Keynote. I designed all of the master slides and styles. I created the graphic elements in Adobe Photoshop.
Full presentation: America is Changing (Link)
This presentation features a series of example slides that appeared on a digital signage system I designed and acquired for Detroit Arsenal. Large format, widescreen displays were installed in hallways and other public spaces throughout the military base to communicate the mission and operations of U.S. Army Tank-automotive & Armaments Command and its subordinate organizations to the Arsenal workforce and visitors.
Full presentation: Detroit Arsenal Digital Signage (Link)
This is a short presentation I researched, wrote, and designed for a small group meeting. Some design elements and diagrams were created in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. The slide masters, slides, and text were created in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Full presentation: Conflict Management (Link)
I created this presentation for a class I taught at Detroit Arsenal on proper implementation of branding standards. I created the presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. I designed the master slides and styles based on published U.S. Army brand standards at the time.
Full presentation: Army Branding (Link)
I created this presentation to visualize the results of a survey of community members on how they preferred to get local news and information. I created the presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. I designed the master slides and styles based on branding standards at the time.
Full presentation: Community Survey (Link)